Lakeridge Health Request for MRI 2020 Ajax Pickering
Provided by Leo Pavone
Provided by Leo Pavone
Provided by Leo Pavone
I have updated this form and added some additional inputs: I added a button to open the patient screening eform, I changed the checkboxes to X-boxes, i added Radio X-boxes, a Calendar, and measurements (Ht Wt) Update V3_Dec19_2023. Signature stamp,…
Created at the request of Dr. Michael Singer. BCCH will no longer accept MRI requisitions unless the screening form is filled out in advance. This form as constructed checks all the boxes as No. Please be careful to insure that…
How to import an eform that is in a zip file V17_Feb4_2025 has additional details for DVT work-up. This change arose form focus group consultations between ER, GP, and radiology to streamline the investigation and treatment of patients with suspected…
V12_July_7_2023 fixed bug with second page not showing up after printing only page 1. V11_June_11_2023 email input changed to “text” from “email” so it will retain information, all inputs given both an id and a name, renamed duplicate names to…
Updated 2021-Dec-13 08:34 V 21-12-1 Formatting improved. Updated 2021-Nov-15 06:25 V 21-11-14.3 added circle boxes for multiple inputs. Updated 2021-Nov-11 08:31 for clarity in units and other formatting issues. Update 2021-Nov-09 17:05 – Dr. Klein has updated this for 2021…