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- Create Date June 6, 2022
- Last Updated January 22, 2024
BC Pap Smear Requsition 2022
The BC Cancer agency has updated their Cervical Cytology Requisition as of March 2022. There is a new Background and HPV information. I have also updated the parsedate function, updated the calendar to give abbreviated month names, and fixed the fontsize arrow positioning for Clinical Comments.
V29_Jun6_2022 is a GP-specific version, also with the updated month format, but with the additional loop closer to ensure the results do eventually come back. A tickler is generated to remind the user to ensure results are received. Sadly, the turn around time is still quite lengthy, so one of the tickler date options is 16 weeks! Thanks to JohnR for the eye-pleasing animated colour schema. JohnY
V32 defaults to the GP version but has buttons to choose either Primary care or referral based care.
Note: This eForm used as an example for generating ticklers on the https://oscargalaxy.org/knowledge-base/eform-magic-part-c-examples/ page.
Pap_SmearV33_Jun15_2022 includes 3 options for Follow-Up provider. The options would be:
- sample provider is also the MRP and will do the follow-up. This is the default setting.
- another MRP within the same office.
- a referral doctor from outside - for those sites taking on referred women from community GPs, or from PHSA through the HPV screening program and identified as unattached. The referral physician can be (should be) designated in the master demographic page.
V 34 - Now uses dB tags so that regardless of who (Doctor or MOA) is opening the form, The correct physicians can be used based on who the appointment was with.
V35_Jul11_2022 is a debugged version of V33, as the gender section didn't work due to use of XBox rather than Xbox. Some cosmetic changes, including removing print from the F/U side-menu.
V36_Feb8_2023 has improved formatting for the Loop Closer. Position was too high when rendered in Chrome.
V37_Dec2_2023 updated once again as the Province rolls out high-risk HPV (hr-HPV) screening for all providers. This will ultimately reduce greatly the need for liquid-based cytology (LBC). For now, LBC may be assessed by cytology as expected, or by HPV PCR, or both, as per the HPV transition plan. The reference to slide-based Paps has been removed. References for hr-HPV screening (high-risk HPV screening) has been added.
V38_Jan21_2024 - new combined pap smear hpv culture eForm.