FH Insulin Sliding Scale 2016
This form was requested by colleagues. Fair warning – the pdf file has a 2016 date on it, but the image has a 2009 date on it. I can not promise that this is up to date, but I do…
This form was requested by colleagues. Fair warning – the pdf file has a 2016 date on it, but the image has a 2009 date on it. I can not promise that this is up to date, but I do…
2021-Jan-30 12:08 “Updated” back to version 3 as per the official version from CGH. Now uses the Fraser health background.Updated 2020-Dec-17 08:04 Referral date added to the top of the form. Updated 2020-Nov-28 07:32 created an input for days as…
How to import an eform that is in a zip file v10 May 3 2024 – updated javascript file for clinic locations. V9_Mar28_2024 has yet another new background, with the difference being the fax number for Ridge Meadows, and the…
Updated 2023/12/01/ 11:59 – the form now has a new background. Code for Faxing, copying fax numbers, pulling pregnancy information, and changing the FP information based on whether the FP is another member of the same office, or if the…
This eForm was Created for LIVE WELL Exercise Clinic (New Westminster) by OSCAR BC. *** Description: LIVE WELL is a medical fitness clinic specializing in supervised exercise and healthy lifestyle coaching for people who have chronic health conditions such as…
provided by Dr. Gyula Voros, referral eForm to the Wharton Medical Clinic for Weight and Diabetes Management .
Note: this background is from 2014 and is very likely obsolete. FHA users should use the updated version created by Dr. JohnR, found here: Update 2020-Feb-22 16:32 Updated with new phone number for Abbotsford site. This eForm is based…