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Searching for a Patient

Describes the procedure and tips for finding patient records in OSCAR.

  1. From the Appointment screen, click on the ‘SEARCH’ tab
  2. The program will default to a ‘NAME’ search.
  3. Type in part of the patient’s last name, then a comma and then the 1st initial of the patient’s first name
  4. Click the ‘SEARCH’ button or press the ‘ENTER’ key
  5. When the list of names comes up, click on the ‘Demo.’ button to bring up the Patient Master Demographic information.
  6. Alternately pick on the ‘E’chart or ‘Rx’ modules


  • Clicking Search without entering anything will bring up your most recent patients.
  • You can search by Date of Birth, Name, Health Number, Address, Phone Number or Chart Number.
  • For a General Search, enter a single space and click the SEARCH button to obtain the full list of patients in the database.
  • You can use the ‘%’ for wildcard searches. eg. ‘%son’  gives Jamieson, Thompson, Sonofsam
  • The smaller the amount of the name you type in for the search, the better chance you have of finding the patient without a typo error.
  • Usually the first three letters of the last name, a comma, and the first two letters of the first name yields the patient, or just a single page
  • Case doesn’t count, so a search on orr,r is equivalent to Orr,R
  • Special characters in the name need to be escaped eg For O’Brian escape the ‘ as o\’brian
  • Clicking a column header sorts the result by that item

Documentation copyright © 2012-2021 by Peter Hutten-Czapski MD under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

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