Standard Outpatient Laboratory Requisition 2025

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  • File Size 1.29 MB
  • File Count 2
  • Create Date February 13, 2025
  • Last Updated February 13, 2025

Standard Outpatient Laboratory Requisition 2025

How to Import an e-Form

Use download button below, then import eform into your EMR by following these instructions

uploaded 2025/02/13/ 08:37 Latest version from David Page. Previous versions have been retained on a private page. Please note the zip file and the javascript file have to be downloaded separately. Please do not "download all" Download the zip file and the "PeersCVD.js" file separately. Description/Instructions from David Page -

Here is my latest version of the BC Lab Requisition

The lab value insertion module has been completely rewritten to work with the new Lab Engine 2023

Specifically it allows multiple Loinc codes to be connected to one lab type and has fixed the yellow prompting to do lab tests based on disease profile.

It also includes new logic in the colon screening portion to support appropriate FIT reminders.

If you click on “Lipids”it will take you to the PEERS CVD online calculator and if you run greasemonkey scripts and load the greasemonkey PeersCVD it will autopopulate the calculator for you.

Unfortunately I was unable to export it as a zip file so have exported the files individually.

There are other dependant files but if you are already running the BC Lab Requisition they should already be in your system

NOTE: This version will only work if you are running the Lab Engine 2023 which I believe is set up in the back end.

OpenOSP has this set up, I am not sure if WELL or other versions have this.

I am not sure what Ontario does with their lab req, but if you need to upgrade and are using the Lab Engine 2023, the rewritten code is now scalable and may be adaptable to your needs-look at the beginning of Lab decision support.js

Historical information below:

How to import an eform that is in a zip file

This is the new form mandated by Doctors of BC and the Labs in BC. It replaces the 2014 and 2016 versions. It is based on the previous versions and includes the "smart" features available in the previous versions.

V33 is the latest version with updates, compatible with WELL versions of Oscar.

V34_May26_2022 has been adapted for Fraser Northwest (FNW) division with reference to the local and Best Beginnings Guide in Pathways.  The Diagnosis input checker has also been deactivated.

V35_Sep19_2022 - builds on V34.  The field "AdditionalTestInstructions" had font-size change managed in js file, which did not allow for retention of the new size on reload. This has been corrected in V35.

V37_Dec10_2022 has the mandatory Dx line reminder de-activated and replaced with a gentler, though very yellow suggestion to add details!  It has been tested in WELL versions.  H pylori stool antigen option added.

V38_Feb15_2022 is specifically created for Vancouver Island users, now showing the LifeLab sites on the Island.  It has been tested in a Well system to ensure legacy labs are displayed.

V42_Feb7_2024 has new side-menu item "Suspect DVT", to enable DVT algorithm project in Fraser Northwest Division. Updated info for certain FHA Hospital Labs.
V43_Apr7_2024 addition of new IDP test for diarrhea work-up.

Attached Files and Latest Versions
