Ontario Lab v15

The OHIP Lab Requisition 4422-84 with decision support and costing

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  • File Size 94.84 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date November 14, 2023
  • Last Updated May 20, 2024

Ontario Lab v15

The most commonly used Ontario eForm in many EHR, the Ontario Ministry of Health Lab Requisition.
Noted features

  1. Last value (if mapped) for the test is indicated as well as date.  eg the A1C of 7.0 for the example patient above.  A red date would indicate that a repeat may be post due (2015 is post due for a A1C)
  2. Decision support side bar that will activate based on listed medications, disease registry and history (exampled patient with CHF, DM and HTN)
  3. Autocomplete Copy to Clinician from the Professional Specialist table (OSCAR 19 exclusive but errors gracefully in OSCAR forks to allow manual input).  Here Dr Hutten-Czapski was added as CC
  4. Approximate costing of the lab tests being ordered (as from OHIP reimbursement schedule for labs)  In this example $37.  If you hover over the amount you will get the breakdown.
  5. Option to set a tickler when you want to close the loop on a high value result.  None in this example

New in v15tR adds

  1. Rheumatology sets
  2. Paste ordered test names to encounter
  3. Handling out of province HIN
  4. consult_sig_XXX.png stamps supported

Author Peter Hutten-Czapski for the form and decision support.

Shout out to the folks who develop SOPLR whose ideas and code are worth borrowing!

Attached Files and Latest Versions

OntarioLab2019v15tR.zip — v15tRDownload