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- Create Date February 3, 2023
- Last Updated February 16, 2023
Time Tracker eForm David Page February 2023
Go to the bottom of the page to download the instructions, Greasemonkey Script, and zipped eForm separately.
From David Page: What (this eform) offers:
4 timers (Direct patient care/Indirect patient care/Admin/Uninsured
Ability to save up to 9 start/stop periods in each timer
Manual adjust option so if you forget to move to uninsured during an ICBC visit you can arbitarily deduct a period of time from the total.
When the eForm is submitted it will collate the time for the different timers and provide the needed block times for the BC billing form with the units
The attached GM script will copy these times and paste them into the patient billing sheet of your choice.
There is a balancing function on submit (which can be disabled if you don’t like it)- the problem it is addressing is if you do 14 min direct care , 14 min indirect care, 14 min admin, you will have done 42min of work and have nothing to bill time wise. What the balancing function does is moves time around so that you will have 2 blocks of 15min and one block of 12 min so you bill 2 units for this. The process of balancing is displayed clearly so an auditor can easily see what was done.
There is a box next to Billable time- once you stop the timers it will show how many minutes you have left to complete the last 15min unit so you have the option of doing the 3 more minutes of work if you desire to complete the above unit.
On submitting it is saved in your fake patient as an eForm. There is a notes textbox where you can write notes if you feel an explaination is needed
If you do more work that evening you can open the submitted eForm and save more times and resubmit and then delete the earlier copy.
Initially I planned on running this on my desktop and opening this in a different browser (I use FF for Oscar so was going to open in Chrome) and have it running in the background.
But being able to move around with the timer is useful- I need to time my hospital work (uninsured but we need to put the times down for FFS billings- as a block) and it would be helpful to have it on a housecall as you now get travel time as well as time in the home. Also moving among exam rooms when you may see an ICBC or WCB and have to deduct the time.
So I formatted it to run on my iPhone and it works surprisingly well.
There are instructions on how to create two home screen links (using Safari) in the Gdrive which you use to get the timer loaded.
This makes it very quick to loggin and get to your eForm for the day.
On the eform you zoom up so that only the 4 timer buttons are visible and you toggle between these as you need.
Interestingly once the eForm is loaded on you phone, you can disconnect from the internet (data and wifi) and it will continue running as expected BUT remember to loggin to your server before you submit the eForm or you lose everything!
This process will not appeal to everyone but the doctors in my clinic appear happy with it.
If you are going to try it out, first play with it on your desktop.
Running on the phone takes a bit of getting used to:
Once the eForm is loaded DON’T click on the homescreen link to the eform again- this will load a NEW eform and delete everything in you current eForm. To prevent this I have put my eForm link into a folder next to the Oscar loggin link so that it is harder to click it. To find the timer if it is gone, click on Safari and then the webpages and find it there.
Probably best to use a different browser on your phone like Chrome for other internet stuff while using the timer
I have the ‘dirtyFlag’ warning on the eForm which works on the desktop if you try to close by mistake, but not on the iPhone.
I have included the GM script as well for those that use GM.
It has added code which you may need to adjust or remove (default to the LFP billing page/toggle button etc)-this part of the code is temperamental and I am hoping my OSP can change the default to the new billing page which will make things easier.
Others may be able to adapt it for their clinic needs- the toggle button toggles between the LFP billing page and our Old billing page- you would have to customize by the identifier of the billing pages which you find in Admin/Billing forms/Edit forms- it’s the letters next to the different billing sheets.