Canadian Vascular Laboratories Imaging Newmarket Ontario
Created by Dr. Yap and OSCAR BC. Consultations and Diagnostic Imaging. V2_May13_2023 – has updated 2023 background.
Created by Dr. Yap and OSCAR BC. Consultations and Diagnostic Imaging. V2_May13_2023 – has updated 2023 background.
Created by John Yap July 4th, 2021: Locations are primarily in Lower Mainland. Updated, V7 – to currently available locations and 2021 eFORM standards, including detuned submit, and attention-seeking button. Update V8_Nov23_2021 created to account for Jim Pattison site refusing…
Provided by Leo Pavone. 2017 and 2018 versions. Feature image is from 2018 version
Created by Paras Mehta : title=”Preventions due or overdue” description=”For a given prevention and year interval, with gender and age range, identify patients who either have not had the prevention in the interval, or are overdue according to the ‘next…