OSCAR miniCON – Sat Oct 19 in Langley + HDC Webinar Oct 23

OSCAR miniCON: Small Conference – Easier to Learn

This conference gets you close to the experts who will help you get the most out of your OSCAR EMR, dashboards, and data. Questions, suggestions, members & non-members welcome. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced OSCAR EMR user, physician, nurse, midwife, clinic manager, or MOA, you’ll learn lots in a welcoming environment – the OSCAR Community!

What Last Month’s Conference Participants Said:
“I liked learning about the OSCAR shortcuts”

“I had heard about the Integrator previously but it was nice to see how it worked.”

“I liked that all the sessions were in the same room, not having to move rooms or choose between multiple sessions at the same time.”

“Hearing from Dr. Yang (HDC) on the value of data and analytics and how this can reduce burnout & improve patient care was one of the things I liked best.”

“I liked the interactive sessions.”

“I liked the form repository info and learning about upcoming OSCAR features”

“Nice to learn more about CareConnect, Smart FIHR, forms work, and CDX”

TOPICS* Making it Work: OSCAR for All Levels of Experience! 

* Learn about The Integrator

* Update from PHSA on OSCAR’s EMR Quick Launch to the Provincial eHealth Viewer (CareConnect), EMR-to-EMR Electronic Communication, and the Provincial eForms Solution

* Doctors of BC: Supports to Physicians & the PSP Dashboard

* Health Data Coalition: Dashboard & More

AGENDA: Sat Oct 19, Langley, 8:30 am – 3 pm
– $125 Members | $150 Non-Members* of OSCAR BC.
*Non-Members: Email membership@oscarbc.ca to inquire about becoming an OSCAR BC member and paying Member conference rates. Member contributions support OSCAR feature development and provincial interface projects. OSCAR is the #1 EMR in BC. Support OSCAR BC to keep making it better. (Contributions are $20 per full-time OSCAR user, per month, billed quarterly)

REGISTER NOW: Register Here

OSCAR BC thanks the following organizations for partnering with us on these 1-day OSCAR miniCON events:
– Divisions of Family Practice; Doctors of BC; Health Data Coalition; Provincial Health Services Authority

Email info@oscarbc.ca

HDC Discover software Webinar
Wed Oct 23, 8 am – 9:30 am: Register HereThe HDC Discover software provides secure access to aggregated clinical data while maintaining both patient and physician confidentiality. The software can assist physicians in assessing their own practice in areas such as chronic disease management or medication prescribing.
The HDC Discover software can help physicians:

• Better understand their patient population and patterns of practice.
• Explore data-informed learning based on physician interests in a safe, secure environment that maintains confidentiality.
• Share and track progress with colleagues.
• Inform valuable discussions with a practice coaching team in partnership with the Practice Support Program, & the peer mentoring program.
• Implement improvements and provide data-informed care to patients.
• Track improvements in patient care over time with HDC’s automatic data transfer and reporting features.
• Use collective HDC data to support PMH/PCN planning and decision-making.

Abbotsford OSCAR miniCON photos – Join us in Langley