OSCAR EMR mini conference Toronto

Dr. Ian Pun, a Toronto OSCAR EMR user, has organized another FREE mini educational conference for OSCAR EMR users.

Here are his post-meeting comments:

Thank you to all who attended OSCAR EMR mini-conference #2 Toronto.

Gathering at the Fairview Public Library, we had a turnout of over 40 people who were delighted to meet our special guest, Dr. David Chan, founder of OSCAR.

We discussed functionality of computer text and window navigation, taking photos into OSCAR (an epiphany for a few members), google dictation, diabetes templates and Framingham eforms.

At the end Dr. Chan showed us his Know2Act Clinical Decision Assistants.

The main message from the meeting is that our physician community is made stronger by having OSCAR EMR remain open-sourced thereby easily sharing knowledge,  gaining experience and creating innovative new applications foregoing the high cost ,  bureaucracy  and inaccessibility of proprietary alternatives.

Keep the open-sourced OSCAR EMR going strong and hope to see everyone again at the next meeting!

Dr. Ian Pun