Next Oscar mini-conference (#4) June 14,2018

Next OSCAR EMR mini-conference meeting (NUMBER 4) — Thursday , June 14, 2018 —- 5 pm to 9 pm.  Don Mills Library ( Don Mills and Lawrence , North York)
 Topics include intensive LDL reduction to reduce CV events primary and post ACS. Use OSCAR to search for your patients’ not at target LDL levels despite on statins.   Specialist consult notes.   Also, I will demonstrate my experiments on using a neural net program (Google’s Tensorflow) on OSCAR EMR database to classify patient diagnosis and treatment. I will apply some artificial intelligence techniques to OSCAR EMR.
It will be pharma sponsored so health professionals only.
Space for 40 only .     Dinner included.    Please register with Dr. Ian Pun  —   —  ianpun at