Updates & Migrations
If you are upgrading from an earlier OSCAR version remember to run the data migration tools in Administration to finish your setup. These are only done ONCE at time of installation with details published there. Unexpected results (or duplication of entries) may occur if you re run them!
Migrate ONAREnhanced
This report will migrate OSCAR 12 ONAR data to the newer OSCAR 15/19 ONAR format. This is only run once on conversion of an OSCAR 12 system to an OSCAR 15
This will migrate users of the older Contacts found in OSCAR 12 and supported in OSCAR 15 to the standard used in OSCAR 19 and documented in these pages
Upgrade Roster Data
This utility will migrate OSCAR 15 rostered physician data to the newer OSCAR 19 format (OntarioMD 5.0 CMS standard). This utility will set the Enrolled To Physician to that of MRP for patients where Roster Status was set to ROSTERED.
This can be accomplished in the administrative panel by following these steps:
- Click the “Administration” link in the OSCAR main menu
- Click the “Updates and Migrations” tab in the Administration Panel
- Select the “Upgrade Roster Data” option
- Click the “Run Report” button
Migrate HRM Data
This utility will migrate OSCAR 15 HRM data to the newer OSCAR 19 format.
This is only run once on conversion of an OSCAR 15 system to an OSCAR 19.
Allow at least an hour for this
when done the “Changes were successful” message will display
Migrate CMS/XML Data
All versions of Oscar approved in Ontario are required to import and export data using the CMS format.
Exporting data
There are 2 steps that are required to export data from Oscar.
1. Create a Query and Patient Set.
This is done from Report (top of main appointment screen), #11 Demographic Report Tool.
Enter the query used to select demographic records. eg. Provider, Age, Patient Status, etc.
Save & Run your Query. Note: In v19, this and the next step can be combined.
If successful, the total found and resulting list of patients will be displayed below.
Save the Patient Set.
Report #12 (v15) or #13 (v19) Demographic Set Edit will allow you to select, display and edit your Demographic Set.
2. Demographic Export. Admin, Data Management, Demographic Export
Here you select the Patient Set (previously created), the Export Template and the Export Categories (the source of the data to be exported).
Click Export to create a .zip file which will be downloaded to your browser.
Filename: export_PatientSet_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.zip
The .zip will contain 1 .xml file for each patient.
Note: For v19, PGP Encryption MUST be enabled.
This may take a while, depending on how many patients and how much data is being exported.
The export will also create a ReadMe.txt and detailed ExportEvent.log file.
Important: This CMS export is a mandatory requirement for all approved EMRs in Ontario. If it does not work, you should report the problem to your OSP so that it can be fixed!
Importing data:
Admin, Data Management, Import New Demographic
Documentation Copyright © 2012-2024 by Peter Hutten-Czapski MD under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License