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EyeForm (for Ocular Specialists)

The EyeForm is a charting module for Ocular Specialists that has been present in OSCAR since 2006 and in it’s current form since 2015.

To enable the property new_eyeform_enabled=true must be set in

Once enabled, the EF link will be displayed for patient appointments in OSCAR’s appointment screen.

Mcdonald,Jo | E | In | EF | B | M | Rx

Clicking the EF will give you access to the eye form chart with the “reason” in the appointment booking populating the “Today’s Concern”.  Click on “Today’s concern” to edit and both it and the appointment “reason” will be updated.

By default on opening the Highlight slider will be set to highlight all entries in the last 3 hours.  Data recorded in THIS appointment is bolded and in red.

Clicking on the headers of any of the grey boxes that have the popup indicator opens the history or the full view for that type.

Clicking Measurements will open ocular measurement section

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