GreaseMonkey script – Pagescraper V4 – CareConnect, Pharmacare edition

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  • Create Date January 8, 2023
  • Last Updated January 8, 2023

GreaseMonkey script - Pagescraper V4 - CareConnect, Pharmacare edition

This GM script enhances the eCHART demographic display, allowing for additional phone #, eMail, and even PHN "grabs" which made it easier to access CareConnect and other sites that are dependent on the PHN.  The direct CC and Pharmacare Buttons make this less important.  This version auto-dials the patient's phone number through my VOIP phone app!  See function telLink(number) section.  This will need modification to work in your set-up.

Note that you need to set your PROVIDER_NAME constant. This is not ideal if your device is shared.

Some of the legacy script is still present but commented out.  Feel free to enhance further and share with this community.

You still need to apply and be approved to access these portals.

Attached Files and Latest Versions
