select distinct concat( "", d.demographic_no, "" ) as "Link", d.demographic_no as "Demographic", d.last_name as "Last Name", d.first_name as "First Name", concat(d.date_of_birth, '/', d.month_of_birth, '/', d.year_of_birth) as "Date of Birth", (year(current_date)-year(date_format(concat((d.year_of_birth),'-',(d.month_of_birth),'-',(d.date_of_birth)),'%Y-%m-%d')))-(right(current_date,5)= 65 and d.demographic_no = bh.demographic_no and bi.ch1_id = and datediff(now(), concat(d.year_of_birth, '-', d.month_of_birth, '-', d.date_of_birth))/365 < 71 and datediff(now(), concat(year(bi.service_date), '-', month(bi.service_date), '-', dayofmonth(bi.service_date))) < (365 * {time_since_last_visit}) and d.demographic_no NOT in (select distinct de.demographic_no from demographic de, preventions pr where pr.prevention_type = 'SHINGLES' and de.demographic_no = pr.demographic_no) order by d.last_name, d.first_name, d.demographic_no; select '%' as provider_no, 'All Providers' as provider union select provider_no, concat(last_name,',',first_name,'(',provider_no,')') from provider where status='1' and provider_type='doctor' and ohip_no>1 and ohip_no != 123456 order by provider_no;